Michael Rothman, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
156 West 86th Street, Suite 1C
New York, NY 10024
(212) 633-2900
Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples, and Twins
Individiual Psychotherapy header image

A twin himself, Dr. Rothman has both personal and professional experiences that advance his ability to connect to the underlying issues that can affect twins. Dr. Rothman believes in helping twins find a healthy balance between enjoying the privileges of being a twin and acknowledging the challenges it may present. He also works with twins to create space for each twin’s individual growth.

Parents of twins also face unique challenges and anxieties about how to make decisions in the best interests of their children. Dr. Rothman works closely with parents on how to manage the various concerns associated with raising twins.

Dr. Rothman specializes in the following areas for adolescent and adult twins:

• Competition, rivalry, and fighting
• Separation difficulties due to school, marriage, or moving
• Loss or bereavement of the other twin
• Twin relationships that are overly enmeshed
• Development of one’s own identity
• Self-esteem concerns
• Developmental concerns of parents
• Family dynamics regarding other siblings in the family

Siblings are often our oldest, life-long relationships. As such, they can play strong roles both in our development and in our ongoing lives. Dr. Rothman is highly attuned to the importance of this relationship in many people’s lives and has experience helping those struggling with sibling-related issues.

Dr. Rothman specializes in the following areas for adolescent and adult siblings:

• Sibling rivalry and competitiveness
• Sibling’s illness or substance abuse problem
• Sibling loss or suicide
• Physical, sexual, and verbal sibling abuse
• Family business related issues
• Emotional issues involved with bone marrow or organ donation

Contact Dr. Rothman.